Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sucha nice layydee.

Rosie Varela, the student loan officer from AnimationMentor.com, is such a nice woman. I just spoke to her on the phone & she was very helpful. Its so nice to know that Animation Mentor doesn't just appear to be a friendly environment to attract more money & students. But the faculty and everyone there REALLY are nice. thaaaank goodness.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Step One

Ahhh... first things first.

Before all the fun & animating & moving-one-step-closer-to-getting-my-dream-job can begin, I must meet the requirements.

I have already applied & been accepted, woo hoo! Now one of the first things I gotta do is get them a copy of my college transcripts*. I made a few calls..., thought I had to pay, realized I didn't- (sweeet) & it has officially been sent to whom it needed it to be sent to. "Transcripts?---check!"

Hmmm... now whats next?...

*If anyone cares what college I went to, here ya go!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Birth to the Animation Mentor blog!

Hello out there anyone who cares,

Today this becomes a blog documenting my progress through the...(deep breath innnn) Advanced Studies in Character Animation Program at AnimationMentor.com! Phew, what a mouthful :)

This will give people out there a chance to see what I go through as I get my certificate in Character Animation.

"What is AnimationMentor.com?" you might ask... well see for yourself, www.animationmentor.com